Monday, November 16, 2009

Food Inc.

I know, I know, it came out a while ago, but I just got to it this past weekend. I knew most of what it had to say, being that I am a huge follower of Michael Pollan and I have seen Fast Food Nation. Seeing it and hearing it all, however, never fails to dishearten and anger me.

The movie explores several different aspects of the broken food system in this country. From the way we raise our meat, to the consolidation of most of our food into 5 multi-nationals, to the fact that most of our food comes from corn.

What I think resonates the most is that this current food model that we follow, has only been around for 50 years or so. The "industrial food chain" we have created is incredibly new and I believe that our health as a nation and many of its downfalls can be directly attributed to the crap we eat.

I encourage everyone to see it, but unfortunately it does not matter if you will not change your ways. The only reason this system remains is because people are too eager to comply with the absurdity that is our national diet.

The great atrocities against the farmers in the documentary were also unfortunate. Their cry for an extinct way of life only reinforces a need to RESORT BACK to how food once was before kids were obese, spinach got contaminated with ecoli, and you could read every word on the ingredient list.

WATCH it, but more importantly: DO something about it...

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