Monday, May 11, 2009

I feel like Tom Hanks

It's finally May and its finally warm and not raining. It's that time of year that I look forward to most of all as a college student. On a Saturday or in between classes I go down to the local green house/ garden center and just walk around. Yes, beginning in late March I just walk around the greenhouses wishing it was warmer and looking at all the tiny plants wishing I had the "infrastructure" they do (they beat my 4 shop lights in the basement). I must say, however, that as I walk around now and see all these people buying flats of salad greens that are pretty much full grown and various other herbs and vegetables for $1.79 a pack I feel like Tom Hanks in Cast Away. You know, when he gets found and is walking around the celebration room and he finds a lighter which he flicks with his finger and boom there's fire. This means nothing to you or I, but we quickly remember the incredible work and time he put into building fire on the island- an amazing accomplishment- one that not many people I know could ever do.

For me I got the seeds and started them in a place that was warm and went and got more lights; one I bought, one 2 I borrowed (thanks, Grandma). Then I had to monitor the lights and the water- in the morning the plants are drenched, when I come home they are wilted and bone dry. I started putting them outside during those hot April days to have them fall over in the wind or jumped on by Rhone. I would rush to bring in the full sheet trays of baby plants when they warned of frost because I knew the heirloom tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, herbs, and greens would be worth it. All I ask is that you do not forget the work that goes into that 4 pack of vegetables you picked up- it's a shit load.

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